English Name: Tinospora
Local Name: Guduchi, Amrita, Giloya, Gulancha, Shindil Kodi
Family: Menispermaceae

It is antiperiodic, antipyretic, Alterative, Diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Guduchi is anti-pyretic and act as a tonic after fever, also has action against alternative fever like Malaria. Guduchi acts as a memory booster, develops inteligence, promotes mental clarity. It is described as one of the Medhya Rasayana (mental rejuvenative) in the Charak Samhita (The oldest and most potent book of Ayurvedic Medicine). Guduchi is considered helpful in eye disorders as a tissue builder and promotes mental clarity. It is used in fever, urinary disorders, dyspepsia, general debility and urinary diseases. It is also used in treatment of rheumatism and jaundice.