October 11, 2008



English Name: Scarlet leadwort

Local Name: Chitrakmool, Plumbago rosea , Scarlet leadwort

Family: Plumbaginaceae

Uses: The roots of Scarlet leadwort is said to increase the digestive power and promote appetite. It is a powerful irritant and has well marked antiseptic properties. A liniment made from bruised root mixed with a little bland oil is used as a rubefacient in rheumatism, paralytic affections, in enlarged glands, buboes etc. This herb cures certain cases of leucoderma. It is also useful for other skin diseases and for scorpion-sting. Scraped root is introduced into the mouth of the womb to procure illegal abortion. A tincture of the root is used in secondary syphilis, in leprosy and also in dyspepsia, piles, flatulence, loss of appetite and other digestive complaints. It is a good remedy to check post partum hemorrhage