October 10, 2008



English Name: The Honey Tree

Local Name: Mahua, Madhuka tree

Family: Magnoliophyta : Magnoliopsida : Ebenales : Sapotaceae

Uses: It is used for timber, flowers and fruits. It has several medicinal properties. All parts of this tree are medicinally very important. Tribals in Central India worship this tree for its medicinal values and also for its relevance in their rituals. According to the local healers, flowers are used in the treatment of eye diseases. Roasted leaves of the tree are mixed with sesame oil and applied on swelling and inflammation. Patients suffering from piles are given with 12-15 drops of seed oil. It works as laxative. Bark decoction is good in diabetes. Topical application of seed oil is recommended for stiffness and arthritis. Seed oil provides soothing effect to the skin