October 10, 2008



English Name: Corn mint

Local Name: WILD MINT

Family: Labiatae , Lamiaceae

MENTHA ARVENSIS Oil is good for the nervous system, acting as a regulator and sedative: Menthol is well known as a cardiac tonic in pharmaceutical preparations. It is a good blood cleanser. Because it is antiseptic and anti-bacterial, it can be used in swollen gums, mouth wash or mouth ulcers, toothache Corn mint, like many other members of this genus, is often used as a domestic herbal remedy, being valued especially for its antiseptic properties and its beneficial effect on the digestion. Like other members of the genus, it is best not used by pregnant women because large doses can cause an abortion. The whole plant is anaesthetic, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, galactofuge, refrigerant, stimulant and stomachic. A tea made from the leaves has traditionally been used in the treatment of fevers, headaches, digestive disorders and various minor ailments. The leaves are a classical remedy for stomach cancer. Another report says that this species is not very valuable medicinally. The leaves are harvested as the plant comes into flower and can be dried for later use. The essential oil in the leaves is antiseptic, though it is toxic in large doses.

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