October 10, 2008


Plant Name: Mesua ferrea

English Name: Mesua ferrea

Local Name: Nagkesher,

Family: Clusiaceae

It is known to help in general debility, cardiac & mental disorders, anorexia & indigestion. Healing power: The leaves are applied to the head in the form of a poultice for severe colds. The seed oil is considered to be very useful in conditions like Vata and skin diseases.

Piles: Powder of flower buds of Nagkesar in a dose of 3-6 gms, if taken with butter or sweet less curd , it immediately checks blee
ding & pain .
Digestive Disorder: Powder of Nagkesar If taken with water Sw
eetend with sugar relieves abdominal colic, aids digestion.
Its use in menorrhagia may he due to its action on capillaries. Oil is used to treat skin diseases and its local application is also recommended in rheumatism.

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