October 11, 2008



English Name: PANDANUS, Screwpine

Local Name:
  • Hala,
  • Screwpine,
  • Pandanus, Pandanus chamissonis, Pandanus douglasii, Pandanus menziesii, Pandanus odoratissimus

Family: Pandanaceae (Pandanus family)

Female trees produce a large, segmented fruit somewhat resembling a pineapple. Male trees produce large clusters of tiny, fragrant flowers surrounded by white to cream colored bracts. Besides serving as a food, its fibrous helps clean the teeth, acting as a natural dental floss. Pandanus is a very important medicinal plant, with certain varieties sometimes preferred for particular treatments.

Leaves, especially the basal white section of young leaves,and roots are used. In Kiribati, pandanus leaves are usedin treatments for cold/flu, hepatitis, dysuria, asthma, boils, end can be used as a brush for decorating tapa, with thehard, woody outer end acting as a handle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ramesh,

I was wondering if I may use your Pandanus image for a Masters' thesis. I will provide a complete reference for the image.

Thank you,

Holly Dale